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An open-source, open-access resource on generative AI in health professions education.

How to use this resource


The Table of Contents are an attempt to provide a structured progression through a series of concepts. Think of it as the development of an argument, with premises building up over time.

Of course, a topic as broad, complex and multifaceted as ‘generative AI in health professions education’ is unlikely to permit a simplistic, linear progression through a series of logical stages.

Which is why the site is also designed as a network.


Each major concept in the topic is part of a networked ecosystem where you can meander through it in any direction that takes your fancy. Choose a topic from the Table of Contents, and see where it takes you.


It you’re feeling feisty, you can clone the Github repository and create a local version of the site (I’m working on a set of instructions to help you do this). This means that you’ll not only be able to edit and update the content for yourself, but you can contribute your changes back to the main branch of the course. I’m not ready to support this yet, but if anyone is interested please let me know and I’ll figure out how to help you get set up. Of course, if you’re comfortable with Github and something like Visual Studio Code, then you’re good to go.

Learning assistant

I’m not ready for this yet but at some point, I’d like to create a GPT of this site, where you can interact with the content through a language model. In other words, you’ll be able to use generative AI to learn about using generative AI.