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I sometimes see ethics concerns raised about the potential impact of automated teaching on learning, and I wanted to explore this question further.

First of all, what is being automated?

Teaching? So what? To ask if teaching ‘should’ be automated is to assume that it’s the teaching that matters. What matters is the learning. If we automate teaching, and it results in a better learning experience, then teaching should be automated. We can quibble about what ‘better’ means in this context, but I would argue that for whatever definition of ‘better’ you want to use, the outcome remains the same.

And learning can’t be automated. You can’t upload information into your mind. It’s an active and personal process of knowledge construction.

So, let’s assume that we have ethics concerns about the impact of automated teaching on learning.

First, let’s ask what automation is likely to mean.

What are the potential negative impacts of automation of teaching?